10 Easy Ways To Make Money With Your Travel Blog

Would you like to travel the world and get paid for it?

Well, we’re about to show you how.

Traveling around the world while making money used to be a dream for most of us ordinary people, but not anymore.

Many bloggers are now using their travel blogs to explore the world and visit new cities every day. And, believe it or not, they actually get paid to do that as well.

Want proof? Meet 21-year-old blogger Mollie Bylett, one of the many bloggers who travel the world for a living.


(Credit: Mollie Bylett)

The great thing about blogging is that there are so many ways you can earn money. With travel blogs, the possibilities are endless.

In this article, we’ll show you some of the best methods you can use to monetize your travel blog.

Table of Contents

#1 Promote Your Favorite Brands

You will be carrying a lot of gadgets when you travel, like a digital camera, a backpack, hiking shoes, camping gear, etc. These gadgets and gear will also change depending on your destination.

Reach out to the companies who make those products and get a compensation for featuring their products on your blog. It’s also known as brand ambassadorship.

Setup a separate page on your blog to showcase what’s in your backpack. See how Matthew Carston showcase his backpack.

#2 Review Gadgets and Gear

You can also write extensive reviews about those gadgets that you’re carrying. Discussing their pros and cons. Sharing your thoughts and opinion on each product.

Many brands will also reach out to you asking to promote their products. Strike a deal and get paid to write those reviews.

#3 Get Sponsorships

Sponsorships are long-term partnerships that you make with brands to run promotional campaigns through your blog and social media channels.

These campaigns usually involve writing multiple blog posts mentioning their brand name in your content, creating videos, and other types of promotion.

#4 Destination Marketing

Once your blog becomes popular enough, certain destinations and places such as hotels and resorts will ask you to visit their hotel and write about your experience there. For a price, of course.

Even some countries will invite you to visit and promote their locations through your blog.

#5 Giveaway Contests

Giveaway contests are a great strategy for increasing the number of your fans and growing your email list.

Giving away free stuff doesn’t mean you lose money. You can team up with certain companies to sponsor the contests. Who would say no, especially when they can raise awareness for the brand through your blog.

#6 Sell Your Own Products

After travelling to places and gaining enough experience, you can maybe sit down and write a book about how to travel on a budget or about the best places you visited. Then you can use your blog’s dedicated audience to directly sell your book to your fans.

Another great strategy is selling or licensing your personal travel photography collection.

#7 Public Speaking

Share your travel experience, teach people how to quit their job and travel the world, give motivational speeches at events.

Use your blog to promote your public speaking offers and the event hosts will invite you to share your stories.

#8 Be Extraordinary

Find something extraordinary to do. Something that no one would think, like travelling to 20 countries in 20 days. Then team up with a brand to achieve your goals.

For example, Instagram star Dan Bilzerian received a lot of sponsorships and the help of Lance Armstrong when he announced he’s going to ride a bicycle from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in less than 48 hours.

#9 Affiliate Marketing

Whenever you mention a book, a gadget, or any other product in your blog posts, include affiliate links to those product websites to receive a commission for referring someone to buy those products.

This is also a great way to monetize your email list and promote affiliate products directly to your loyal readers.

#10 Advertising

If all else fails, you can always go back to basics and monetize your blog with basic advertising.

This includes banner ads, video ads, social media posts, and many others. You can either promote specific brands or sign up with a publisher program like AdSense.

Of course, you will need to build a high-quality blog and get some traffic before monetizing your site. But, as long as you keep a consistent content publishing routine you’ll be able to attract new visitors to your blog every day. Eventually, your blog will generate a steady income stream to let you continue your world safari.


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