Essential tips for WordPress

When we want to make a blog then WordPress is the better choice rather than other software. It is the most frequently updated software that they updated their blogging package regularly. It has great facility that when you install the updates of the WordPress then it updates your blog automatically. It is quite easy to use and also have the chance of modification as well as creativity. The blogging experience can be made easy by using shortcuts and the tricks of the WordPress.

We know about the ranking system of the site that helps to increase the traffic of the site and also make the site popular. So the SEO is most important for the site. In this case the URL of the site is more important for displaying your site link on the first page of the search result of the popular search engine like Google, Yahoo etc. If the URL of the is assigned something uncommon or ugly or unusual or something like that then there is less chance to get the site link on the first page of the search results. You can be fixed this problem by using the shortcuts of the WordPress that the permalink. You can also add the keywords of the site in the URL easily.

If you became confuse to write about something then search Google with the position and the keywords of the blog site. Then review the news of the event and update it with the comment that you think of the news of the event. Do not recap the news straight this create a poor idea about your site to the visitors. Not only updates the site by using comment also put some personal view that make the blog interesting and also make the site news unique. When you update your site regularly then the site rank of the site also increases.

Error 404 page is the common error of the site that built with WordPress. This is the problem about the URL of the page. But it can be solved by editing the 404.php file .you find this file on the admin control panel of the WordPress.

The plugins of the WordPress also increase the flexibility of the site.

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