Some Must Tips for the Blog Creator’s

Have you created a blog yet? If you have just created a blog, you are ultimately in a new world. OK, you did it, you created a new blog! You post a few entries on which you sweat for days, give it the best of your best. But what’s next?

You can follow these tips for every new blog that you are creating.

Tracking the visitors
you will be happier when you see that, the number of visitors in your blog is increasing. For a blogger it is the most desired things. So, you should monitor your blog by activating Google analytics on your blog.

Submitting the blog in search engines:
For getting traffic, the search engines are the principal target. You have to submit your blog to Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You can use Submit Express to submit your blog to a number of search engines in one go.

Signing  up for some basic webmaster tools:
You can sign up for webmaster like Google webmasters, Yahoo site explorer, Bing Webmaster centre to monitor how others see your site that are linked back to your blog.

Submitting the sites in blog directories and bookmarking sites:
You can list your site in different directories and it will help others to find your blog and this will give an extra attention to your blog. The most popular directories are Technorati and Alexa.

Your traffic to your blog will increase if you can create a community and being active tin this community. Some popular social bookmarking sites are  Mister Wong, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious, Mixx, Reddit, and Diigo.

If these tips are followed certainly your blog will get traffic in a great number.

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