6) Put a short and simple Title into the pages within the 3 to 9 words (about 50-70 characters) highest in length that containing primary keyword of your web page. Keep in mind that it will be shown in the search results of the search engine so try to choose it wisely.
7) make an effort to add your vital keywords or the phrases in the heading tags on the web pages if you are able to do but remember it should not be accurately same as the title of the web page. You may use the tag for the specification of anything that is important. You may make the use of the CSS to reduce the size of the heading.
8) State the Meta keywords in the heading of the document. Limit these words into 15 to 20. Even though not every the search engines give the similar value but there is no disadvantage for doing it. The Search engines like the Yahoo or the Google still now give it somewhat importance.
9) Try to make the Meta Description tags of the page very much attractive which containing that keywords because of it will be appeared on the result page of the search engine. People generally used to evaluate the content by your Meta descriptions, always remember.
10) Make the Use of the text for the navigation of the menu as an alternative of the images or using the Java scripts. It may make the site overloaded better use the menu link item.
11) Try to put the most common and important keyword in the hyperlinked text and with the text that instantly follows or leads the hyperlink.
12) Validate your web page in the starting with the CSS and HTML because of the search engine do not like the pages which have different kinds of errors.