4 Untold Ways to Increase Alexa Ranking

The Alexa raninkg of a site is calculated in accordance to the number of visits paid to site. Ad networks make use of the Alexa rank of your site with a view to identify it’s popularity .If you are aiming to monetize your blog then the Alexa ranking will be having a great impact. With greater Alexa Rankings, you can very easily sell text links ads or even the sponsored ads. A few untold ways to improve your to Alexa ranking is as follows.

1. On your site or blog place an Alexa widget code. It will keep Alexa aware of the number of times the page gets loaded.

2. Usw your blog or site as the homepage of your browser. Every single time you open your browser, the site get loaded and will be considered as one visit. Working on multiple computers will offer you a slight advantage.

3. Download the Alexa toolbar and o the Alexa webiste everyday make a visit to your own website. Ask all of your friends & the family members to install it

4. Install the FireFox Add-on to Monitor the Page Rank by Google and also the Alexa ranking

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