Fundamental’S of Search Engine Optimization

There are lots of bloggers who do not know what to do with their blogs. Most of them do not know the basic knowledge about SEO that is why they lag behind in ranking. Other bloggers cannot find the way to include their blogs in various search engines. Today we are going to discuss about some basic tips of search engine optimization (SEO).

Use those keywords within the title tag so that search engine robots notices what your web page or web site is about. The title tag or the navigation bar is located just at the top of your web page or document. Putting a keyword or key phrase will definitely improve your chances to be the top ranked site holders of bringing targeted traffic to your site.Please insert same keywords as anchor text to link to the page from different pages on your web site or web page. If your site contains many pages on that case it will be very helpful obviously. You have to be aware of the fact that the more keywords which link to a particular page the better.

You must have to be concerned about the fact that the text inside the title tag is also within the main body of the web page. Inserting texts which are not from the main page would not be better for your page will actually be unwise thing for your web page. You must not use the exact common title tag on each and every page on your website. Search engine robots will then determine all your pages of your web site are the same if all your title tags are the same or common.

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