Tips on Improving Alexa Ranking

Alexa is a ranking system that conducts the audit of a website and calculates the traffic of a website. There is a simple algorithm by which Alexa traffic ranking is calculated.  This calculation is done based on the amount of traffic recorded from users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of three months.

The toolbar can be downloaded by anyone and as soon as it is downloaded it is automatically added to your browser. Then it starts to track the sites that you are visiting. It will not be helpful for increasing your Alexa rating if the visitors do not install the Alexa toolbar on their browser.

Here are some tips to increase your Alexa rating.

1. First of all download the Alexa toolbar and you have to use it everyday to visit your own website. Click here to download the toolbar. Click here to download the toolbar.

2. You have to frequently use Alexa redirection. You can provide so many links to your website but be sure that to use the Alexa redirect urn.

3. You can also encourage the visitors of your websites to give their positive and constructive testimonials on Alexa’s detailed listings page for your website. It can be easily done by a click. You can place a link to the appropriate Alexa page on your website and ask the visitors to “click here to rate this website”.

4. You can take an advertisement out on the ExactSeek search directory for only a few dollars per month at If a website is highly ranked on Exactseek, you can hope that, this website will get a high rank on Alexa.

There are so many other tips on increasing the Alexa ranking of your website. Tips are there but the main thing is to apply it.

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