Web development tips on SEO

When you launch a site for the business purpose then you need to know some tips about this. In this case the SEO that means search engine optimization of the site is mandatory for your site. And also you have to follow some basic rule or tips on the SEO. We are here discussing about some important factors of the SEO.

TIPs 1:

Heading: Heading or naming of the site is the most important factor in optimizing the site with the search engine. The name of the site should be related with the subject of the site topics or related to the name of the services or the products on which the site content are developed.

TIPs 2:

Keyword: you need to choose the best keyword for your web page. It is the most important part of the SEO. Because of the people generally search by the keywords of their required topics. So you need to choose the keyword which is most related to the topics of the site.  So first select the best keyword for your site. Then decide that your keyword is simply a word or phrase. Or you use two or more keyword. My opinion is choosing more than two keywords for your site. In this case you may face less difficulties rather than the choosing one keyword. Always keep in mind that you keyword should be the most common word of that topics. You may add you keyword in the URL of your site.

TIPs 3:

Content: you have to update you site with regular fresh news. The search engine are always count this with great importance. You must update the content every day. The content should be properly related and also the exact. Blog is the best idea to add your content. Try to add some unique news.

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